Wednesday, February 24, 2010

things to do with nested if

leapyear problem

lecture notes

available here.

Monday, February 22, 2010

HWs so far

1) Ch 1 mid 5
2) Ch 1 mid 4
3) Lecture: Convert text numbers to actual numbers. Convert the other way.
4) Ch 2 practice 3 -- election trends
5) Lecture: Tell me if a letter contained in A1 is lowercase.
6) Lecture: Safely convert to UPPERCASE, only if the letter is lowercase.
7) Ch 2, mid-level exercise 3: high school art collection
8) Ch 2, mini-case 2: investment club
9) ch 3, practice exercise 2: anytimetalk inc
10) ch 3, midlevel exercise 1: the next car you purchase
11) ch 3, midlevel exercise 5: computer sales analysis
12) ch 4, practice exercise 1
13) ch 4, practice exercise 4
14) ch 7, all the hands-on exercises
14) ch 4, capstone exercise
15) ch 4, mini case 3
16) lecture: leap year not using date trick
17) ch 5, mid-level 1 and 2
18) ch 6, practice exercises 1 thru 4
19) ch 6, mid-level 4
20) ch 7, all the hands-on exercises (there are two of 'em)
21) ch 8, mid level exercise 1 and 2

Lecture Homework Submission Form

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Things to do with char and code

1) Convert text numbers to actual numbers. (HW)
2) Convert the other way. (HW)

still to come:
1) find out if text is uppercase
2) find out if text is lowercase
3) using (1) and (2) make a *safer* conversion to upper and lowercase.
4) reverse case
5) rot13

Monday, February 8, 2010

walkenbach, formulas, ch 3, names
you can define a name
manage it from name manager
define multiple names at once
name a range
intersection of named ranges
names for literal values
names for calculation
names for relative refs
names for mixed refs
names for calculated refs



Wednesday, February 3, 2010